Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Supporting Local Farmers

This morning I am eating a cantaloupe for breakfast. Reason being that it's not a bagel or bacon and eggs with a piece of toast is that I just recently watched Food Inc. As well as listening to an audio CD of Skinny Bitch.
My oh my what a wonderful world we live in that inhumanly treats our food before we digest it. A hint of sarcasm there.
With out getting to deep into the science of "The Pain Gate" which I will leave that up to Rory and Kim. It is scary to know that before these animals die they feel fear and pain. The nervous system then releases chemicals in the body such as histamines, adrenalin and so forth. This is all in the meat we consume.
No wonder I had road rage after eating that hamburger from the fast food joint that uses this meat.
That was a year ago that I stopped eating red meat. I made the announcement to my family at Thanksgiving dinner. Yes I got funny looks but they have been supportive. It will be interesting this Thanksgiving when I deny the bird.
So here are some positive benefits to eating healthy;
1. My waist has gotten smaller. (I have missed you, my favorite pair of slacks!)
2. I feel lighter. (By saying this I mean mentally and physically.)
3. I am supporting local farmers. (Less of a Carbon Footprint)

I am not able to make to many major changes since financially it does cost more to buy fresh eggs from down the road than a combo meal from a fast food joint. Food Inc talks about this. So little by little I aim to do better. By promoting presence of body, mind and spirit through massage and skin health, I get to talk about why my skin looks fresh and healthy. Baby steps, just baby steps.
Read the labels and make smart decisions.
Healthy Regards,

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