Yesterday, two friends and I drove up to Charlotte to see Jack Johnson in concert. We stopped and ate at a nice Indian Food restaurant and then went on to the show. This being my first show to see of him and friends I was pretty excited. Although tired from celebrating another friends Birthday the night before, I wasn't going to let that stop me from having a good time.
Big venues have their pros and cons.
You get to meet a bunch of new people that share a common interest.
And you get to meet people that you wouldn't normally hang around.
When going out to events like these I try to be aware of other people and their belongings. I watch were I step and I apologize if I bump into someone. They didn't ask for my elbow much less crushing their snack that was over priced anyway.
So when this boy walked right over my purse last night, I asked him to please be aware that we have our belongings on our blanket and to not step on them. The detailed disrespect that came out of his mouth was unmentionable. As well as the rest of his friends that continually ashed their cigars and cigarettes on our blanket.
Again I had to ask another girl to stop doing just that. Yet, I said politely "Pardon, but if you could please be mindfully aware and not drop your ashes on our blanket."
The amazing part of all this is that their attitudes didn't mix right with the music or the reason behind the show.
"An individual action, multiplied by millions, creates global change." That is what it reads in the passport I received yesterday.
"Your actions, your voice and your choices all have a huge impact. "
And they don't go unnoticed!
This may be an isolated incident, I hope that we all try to share how important it is to be mindfully aware of our surroundings and our actions.
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